Wayne's 31 Days of Horror Film Challenge Day 1 - Evil Dead (2013)

Wayne's 31 Days of Horror Film Challenge Day 1 - Evil Dead (2013)

For the last few years we- that’s my wife Sian and I, have attempted and roughly succeeded to play along with the 31 days of horror challenge. Every night through October (post bed time of the now 5-year old) we take turns to pick a horror movie and we watch. Simple enough.

This year I thought it’d be interesting to write a few thoughts and mini reviews down as we go- the picks aren’t always what either one of us might select ourselves but nevertheless we press on. Now, challenges always lie ahead- late bed times for the mini-monster, the upcoming “Haunting of Bly Manor” on Netflix will demand a certain amount of attention but cannot get in the way of #31daysofhorror #31dayhorrorchallenge. This year we’ve used a template from the Nightmare on Film Street Podcast where every day there is a theme to pick from.


First up is “Autumn Leaves” and the wife gets to go first-

Her first pick is The Evil Dead (2013) because its set in the woods. Obviously.

It’s a strange thing thinking back to just before the Evil dead remake came out. I’d already attempted to throw myself through the screen whilst watching the prequel to the Thing (2011) but in truth I think I was still upset about Nightmare on Elm Street (2010). I’ve come a long way since then, maybe becoming a parent has taught me patience and understanding, maybe I have a greater appreciation of what it takes to get a film made and so I now give remakes a bit of breathing room. Bloody water under the bridge…maybe. No, sitting in that darkened room waiting for Evil Dead to start I was somewhat certain it would fail. On some level it would disappoint me. I was wrong. And as soon as the post credits stinger came and went I was in love. What a boost. Ash! Was this a sequel? Was this part of some alternate universe where Ash himself could at some point intervene, join forces… lend a hand. Sorry.


It didn’t matter what anyone said next because the possibilities for an Evil Dead fan were limitless.

The film itself was brutal, unrelenting and vicious. Surprisingly so. Mainstream horror can at times pull its punches or at least not follow through on its initial promise. “The Most Terrifying Film You Will Ever Experience” read the tag line. Like a dare.

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Maybe it wasn’t the most terrifying film id every experienced, but it was damn intense and hard to endure- some of the imagery was just a sight to behold. Mia is a great character and I hope at some point we get to revisit her in that world.

So, all in all a strong bloody start.

Wayne's 31 Days of Horror Film Challenge Day 2 - Young Frankenstein

Wayne's 31 Days of Horror Film Challenge Day 2 - Young Frankenstein

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